

May this be the last hated cruel war,
God, we question you but we still adore,

All we want is peace and prosperity,
And life abundantly,

To protect our lives we fight,
From day until night,

God, give us the strength to endure,
For our hearts are pure,

On horseback, the chosen one rides to new horizons,
His ambition is on fire, not frozen,

Soon he will arrive with the heavenly sword,
And blessed is he for trusting the lord,

The chosen one arrives,
And his sword is alive,

The mighty steel contains the will of angels,
And this is no fable,

Victory is near for the followers of the light,
The demons who taunt are full of fright,

The demons are now full of fear,
And the angels will no longer shed frozen tears,

Victory is ours,
And God, to you, our heads are bowed!


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